Werther Fever/ Peep Show

"I have been more than once intoxicated, my passions have always bordered on extravagance: I am not ashamed to confess ...

East of Borneo revisitado

Joseph Cornell, Rose Hobart,1936"Roubou-mo do meu subsconsciente"- Salvador

Dreams of natural word

DreamsSeries 7: Art Works, circa 1966-1971, undated (boxes 19, 23; 0.2 linear feetUnfinished Collages, 1971. (Box 19, ...

Why content ourselves with a mere inventory of our treasures?

Joseph Cornell, Penny Arcade Portrait of Lauren Bacall, 1945-46..............................................consultar: ...

Kunstkammer de jovens Medici

Joseph Cornell never reveled in his growing status as seminal figure, however. His last years were his st isolated. He ...

A Mitomania da Virtude Hirsuta

Como Dragão tem o dom de escrever o que eu penso, com a vantagem de o fazer com o talento que me falta, aqui fica, na ...
