antes e depois

Escudo sioux, Dakotas ou Minesota, pele pintada (45 com) Denver Art Museum; Max Ernst, The Origin of the Pendulum, 1925, frtage e lapis (42,26 cm) Cabinet des Estampes de Strasbourg

celeiro Kombombawa, Gana ou Togo, Publicado no Roland Penrose, Max Ernst’s Celebes, 1972; Max Erst, Elfante de Celebes, 17921, óleo sobre tela (125.1×107.9 cm), Tate Gallery, Londres

Paus, Nova Caledónia, madeira (85 cm e 63.7 cm)Musée de L’Homme, Paris;

Max Ernst, Lunar Asparagus, 1935, plástico (165.7 cm), The Museum of Modern Art, New York.

3 comments on “antes e depois”

  1. Antónimo says:

    May I spank her, godmother? My I spank the naughty girl? Please, pretty please…

  2. Oh, wicked, bad, naughty, evil Zoot! Oh, she is a naughty
    person, and she must pay the penalty — and here in Castle Anthrax, we
    have but one punishment for setting alight the grail-shaped beacon. You
    must tie her down on a bed and spank her!

  3. claudia says:

    Há algo que me deprime aqui. Que ambiente a necessitar de ajuda psi. Meus pêsames, zazie linda.

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